Survey & Form Builder

Survey & Form Builder

Ask a few questions or send a thorough survey

  • Include different question types, including star ratings, checkboxes, scale ratings, text areas, and contact information
  • Ensure responses to questions by making certain answers mandatory
  • Ask follow-up questions when a question is answered in a certain way
  • Utilize skip logic so respondents only answer the questions that are relevant to them
  • Provide users with the option to add comments to their responses
  • Randomize answers for each respondent to avoid bias in survey results
  • Give respondents the option to answer anonymously
  • Change the order of questions with our easy-to-use question and answer setup

Select a template and customize it to fit your needs or create your own from start to finish

  • Select a survey or poll from our library to customize or create your own
  • Attach customizable tags to each survey to easily categorize them
  • Allow respondents to answer anonymously or to take the survey multiple times
  • Enhance your survey by selecting from our color palettes
  • Adjust the look & feel of your questions and answers
  • Receive notifications when a respondent takes your survey
  • Automatically end your survey or poll on a specific date or after it has reached a maximum number of responses
  • Use professionally-designed themes or create your own by choosing from multiple font and color options

Send your survey to as many people as you’d like, post it to your website or social media

  • Quickly check the status of your survey from an easy-to-read dashboard
  • Send your survey immediately or schedule a time for it to be sent
  • Post your surveys and forms onto your website
  • Distribute your survey via email
  • Distribute your survey via social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
  • Automatically send reminders to people who have not yet taken the survey

Create your own charts and graphs to analyze every response and trend

  • Check your email delivery statistics, including who opened the survey, which ones bounced or who unsubscribed
  • See who is liking, sharing and commenting on your survey on social media sites
  • View up-to-the-minute survey results as respondents complete the survey
  • Analyze the success of your survey with comprehensive survey results 
  • Identify critical points within your survey where respondents abandon it before completion
  • Export complete survey results to .CSV files for statistical analysis
  • Drill down into survey results for targeted lists of respondents

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